Selasa, 01 April 2014

kimo slacker girl

kimo slacker girl
  (asia continent)
karya zia julita

In a remote village in the region of China, there lived a humble family. They were alone, an elderly woman and a beautiful girl named kimo.Kimo is a beautiful woman but he is very arrogant, evil, lazy, and always disobey her parents.
            One day, when her mother was ill kimo told her to go look for food in the forest. But what happens kimo even scold her. His mother was very sad. Finally, even though his mother was sick he still foraging for herself and her slacker. When she was looking vegetables in the forest there was a snake that bit the mother's legs. Until his mother died.
            And that's where Kimo realized that she had been a child who was lazy and never helped his parents. And finally he turns into a good-natured and not lazy.

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